Monday, February 15, 2010

Project One

So I know I am pretty late on updating my blog for Project One, but I am finished with all the revisions and I think I am finally pleased with my final product.
I didn't want to post Project One until I was done with revising and editing it.

Here is what I showed in class:

After seeing it in class and getting some interesting feedback, I decided to improve the illustration. Here is what it looks like now:

I added a lot of different things in this one. I did two more mushrooms, a small garden gnome, a bird, and motion lines around the bird and fairy. I also blurred the bird and a little of the fairy along with the tops of the small mushrooms so the composition wouldn't look too busy. I ended up just dodging the sitting girl and making her completely white. I drew everything with the pen tool and colored in things with brushes, like the mushroom detail and the fairy. I think this one looks much more finished and put together than the first one.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Week Two

So this is some more experiments with the pen tool in photoshop.

This is my in class assignment that I completed.

Original photo:

Fun with the pen tool.

I wanted to do some more practice over the week to try some improving.

Original photo:

After the pen tool:

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Week One

Drawing on a digital photo assignment.

Lots of fun!!